
1.  関係代名詞を使って一つの文にしなさい。そして日本語に直しなさい。

(1) The man is my uncle. He wrote this book.

(2) The man is my uncle. You met him at the station.

(3) I know the girl. She took this picture.

(4) This is a book. I bought it yesterday.

(5) The picture is beautiful. Tom took it last year.

(6) This is the letter. It made me happy.

(7) The leaves are beautiful. They turned yellow.

2.  ほぼ同じ意味にしなさい。

(1) The monster eating cookies is Munchy.
   The monster ( ) ( ) eating cookies is Munchy.

(2) This is a desk broken by Ken.
   This is a desk ( ) ( ) broken by Ken.

(3) The girl with blue eyes lives near my house.
   The girl ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) lives near my house.

(4) I’ve never seen such a big dog.
   This is the ( ) ( ) ( ) I’ve ever seen.

3.  英語にしなさい。

(1) 私が昨日買った本はとても面白い。

(2) 私は由美が作ったケーキが好きです。

(3) 私は、ケンが昨日話をした少女を知っている。

(4) 私が昨日会った少年はサッカークラブの一員だ。

(5) この曲を書いた男はブラウンさんだ。

(6) 窓のそばに立っている男を見ろ。

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