

①can ( ) ②may ( ) ( )
③will ( ) ④must ( ) ( )
⑤should ( )

2. 次の文を日本語にしなさい。

(1) Ken can speak English well.

(2) Mike will visit Kyoto next month.

(3) You may use this computer.

(4) Can you open the door for me?

(5) We should be kind to old people.

(6) Shall we play tennis?

(7) You must wash your hands before lunch.

(8) He may have a good idea.

(9) Could you tell me your name?

(10) Would you like another cup of tea?

3. カッコ内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。

(1) Tom speaks English. (「~できる」という意味に)

(2) We help sick people. (「~助けるべきだ」という意味の文に)

(3) It is sunny. (「~だろう」という意味の文に)

(4) You eat this hamburger. (「~食べてもよい」という意味の文に)

(5) I get up early. (「~起きなければならない」の文を二通り)

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