英語 リスニング問題 受け答え問題5
それぞれの短い対話を聞いて、最後の発言に対する受け答えとして、 最も適切なものを選択肢から一つ選びなさい。
ア. Yes, please.
イ. Yes, I will.
ウ. No, I won't.
エ. No, just looking.
ア. Yes, please.
Man : You look busy.
Woman : Yes. I must finish cleaning, washing, and...
Man : Shall I help you?
ア. Will you give her a message?
イ. I'll call you back later.
ウ. Oh, I'm sorry.
エ. No problem.
ウ. Oh, I'm sorry.
Woman : Hello.
Man : Hello, this is Mike Brown. May I speak to Lisa, please?
Woman : I think you have the wrong number.
ア. Do you want hamburgers?
イ. Do you want anything to drink?
ウ. What did you drink?
エ. How many hamburgers do you want?
イ. Do you want anything to drink?
Man : Two hamburgers, please.
Woman : Sure. Anything to drink?
Man : Can you say that again?
ア. I bought it yesterday.
イ. I like it very much.
ウ. It has red line.
エ. It's mine.
ウ. It has red line.
Man : What are you looking for?
Woman : I'm looking for my bag.
Man : What does the bag look like?