英語 リスニング問題 受け答え問題4

それぞれの短い対話を聞いて、最後の発言に対する受け答えとして、 最も適切なものを選択肢から一つ選びなさい。

ア. I went there by train. イ. I was fine. ウ. It was far. エ. It was rainy. エ. It was rainy.

Man: What did you do yesterday?
Woman : I went to Saitama.
Man : How was the weather there?

ア. I'm fine, thank you. イ. She's seventy-five. ウ. I enjoyed her birthday party. エ. She likes it very much. イ. She's seventy-five.

Man : Where did you go this weekend?
Woman : I visited my grandmother for her birthday.
Man : Oh, really? How old is she?

ア. Yes, they were. イ. Yes, I like basketball. ウ. Yes, about a thousand. エ. Yes, only about a hundred. ウ. Yes, about a thousand.

Woman : Did you watch the soccer game last night?
Man: Yes, it was fun. I watched it in the gym.
Woman : Really? Were there a lot of people there?
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