英語 リスニング問題 対話文9

YumiとMikeの会話を聞いて質問に答える問題です。質問は、Question1〜3まで三つあります。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。



ア. Yes, he does. イ. No, he doesn't. ウ. Yes, he did. エ, No, he didn't. エ, No, he didn't.


ア. Last week. イ. Two years ago. ウ. Last winter. エ. One month ago. ウ. Last winter.


ア. She enjoyed skiing on the mountain. イ. She visited a famous park and saw some beautiful birds. ウ. She saw a lot of animals at the popular zoo in Hokkaido. エ. She went to a museum with her friend. ウ. She saw a lot of animals at the popular zoo in Hokkaido.

Mike : Hi, Yumi. Look at this. This is the T-shirt you gave me for my birthday yesterday.
Yumi : You look nice. Do you like it?
Mike : Sure. I like this red T-shirt very much.
Yumi : I'm very glad to hear that. I bought it last week.
Mike : Yumi, your blue T-shirt looks nice, too. Where did you get it?
Yumi : My aunt sent it to me two years ago. She lives in Hokkaido. Last winter, I visited her with my family. I stayed there for three days.
Mike : What did you do there?
Yumi : On the first day, we enjoyed skiing on the mountain near my aunt's house.
Mike : Did you enjoy skiing on the second day, too?
Yumi : My father and brother did. But I didn't ski. My mother, aunt and I visited a famous park and saw some beautiful birds. I had a good time there. Have you ever been to Hokkaido?
Mike : No, I haven't. But I want to go to the popular zoo in Hokkaido. I saw it on TV one month ago. Did you go to the zoo?
Yumi : Yes, I did. I went there on the third day. I saw a lot of animals and took pictures there.
Mike : May I see the pictures you took at the zoo next Saturday?
Yumi : I'm sorry. I'm going to go to a museum with my friend. How about next Sunday?
Mike : OK. I'll see you then.
Question1:Did Mike get a blue T-shirt form Yumi for his birthday?
Question2:When did Yumi visit her aunt in Hokkaido?
Question3:What did Yumi do on the last day in Hokkaido?
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