英語 リスニング問題 対話文8

LisaとHiroshiのとの会話を聞いて質問に答える問題です。質問は、Question1〜4まで4つあります。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。



ア. It's sunny. イ. It's cloudy. ウ. It's snowing a lot. エ. It's rainy. ア. It's sunny.


ア. Yes, many times. イ. Yes, she is. ウ. No, she hasn’t. エ. Never. ア. Yes, many times.


ア. He asked Lisa about her friends. イ. He told Lisa to teach him how to use the computer. ウ. He said Lisa's words many times. エ. He continued to talk with Lisa. エ. He continued to talk with Lisa.


ア. We have to remember that believing is very important. イ. We can believe something when we see it with our own eyes. ウ. We can explain a feeling easily with only words. エ. We have to listen to our friends' words carefully. イ. We can believe something when we see it with our own eyes.

Hiroshi: Look at that, Lisa. Lisa : Wow, Mt Fuji. It's so beautiful. Hiroshi : It was rainy yesterday, but there are no clouds in the sky today. We can see Mt Fuji clearly. Lisa : I'm so happy to see such a beautiful mountain! Hiroshi, in English we say, "Seeing is believing." I think you know these words. Hiroshi : Sorry, I don't understand. Could you tell me more? I want to know what you mean. Lisa : Well, I heard about Mt Fuji many times from my Japanese friends in America. They said, "We are moved when we see it," "It's beautiful with snow," and so on. But I didn't believe them at that time. Now I understand the things they told me. This is the meaning of "Seeing is believing." Do you understand? Hiroshi : Yes, I do. Looking at something is better than hearing about it a hundred times! Lisa : That's right. Question1:How's the weather today? Question2:Has Lisa ever heard about Mt Fuji? Question3:When Hiroshi heard Lisa's words and he didn't understand, what did he do? Question4:What did Hiroshi understand from Lisa's words?
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