英語 リスニング問題 対話文6

ユミとジョンの会話を聞いて質問に答える問題です。質問は、Question1とQuestion2の2つです。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。



ア. She was given it by John. イ. She bought it at a bookstore. ウ. A woman doctor gave it to her. エ. She borrowed it form the school library. エ. She borrowed it form the school library.


ア. She thought she should become a doctor. イ. She thought every student should read the book. ウ. She thought she should keep trying for her future. エ. She thought John should think of her life. ウ. She thought she should keep trying for her future.

Yumi : Hi, John. Have you ever read this book? John : No, I haven't. Yumi : Look at the picture of the woman on this book. John : Who is she? Yumi : She was the first woman doctor in Japan. John : Oh, really? Yumi : I found the book at the school library a week ago. I became very interested in her life. John : What did you think of her life? Yumi : I was very moved. After I read the book, I thought I should keep trying for my future. John : It sounds good. I want to read it, too. Question1:How did Yumi get the book? Question No.2:What did Yumi think after reading the book?
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