英語 リスニング問題 対話文5

アメリカでホームステイしているヒロシとヒロシのホストマザーのスミス夫人との会話を聞いて質問に答える問題です。質問は、Question1〜5まで五つあります。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。



ア.They will see a basketball game. イ.They will see a baseball game. ウ.They will see a football game. エ.They will see a volleyball game. イ.They will see a baseball game.


ア.It will be rainy. イ.It will be cloudy. ウ.It will be cold. エ.It will be sunny. エ.It will be sunny.


ア.They will go by train. イ.They will go by bus. ウ.They will go by car. エ.They will go by bike. ウ.They will go by car.


ア. A car. イ. A cap. ウ. A T-shirt. エ. A cup. イ. A cap.


ア. 5:00 イ. 3:00 ウ. 3:30 エ. 4:00 イ. 3:00

Hiroshi : I am excited to go to a Major League Baseball game! I have never seen one. I'm afraid it will be rainy in the afternoon. Mrs. Smith : Don't worry, Hiroshi. It is cloudy now, but it will be sunny in the afternoon. Hiroshi : That's great. So, will we go by train? Mrs. Smith : No. We will go by car. Hiroshi : I see . So what time will we leave? Mrs. Smith : The game starts at 5:00, so we will leave at 3:30. Hiroshi : Can we leave a little earlier? I want to buy something before the game. Mrs. Smith : What do you want? Hiroshi : I want to buy a T-shirt and a baseball cap. The T-shirt is for my sister, and the cap is for my brother in Japan. Mrs. Smith : That's good. Then, let's leave at 3:00. Hiroshi : OK. Thank you. Question1:What game will Hiroshi and Mrs. Smith see? Question2:How will the weather be in the afternoon? Question3:How will Hiroshi and Mrs. Smith go to the game? Question4:What does Hiroshi want to buy for his brother? Question5:What time will Hiroshi and Mrs. Smith leave?
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