英語 リスニング問題 対話文10
留学生のJohnと職場体験学習を終えたYumiの会話を聞いて質問に答える問題です。質問は、Question1〜3まで三つあります。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。
ア. Yes, she does. イ. No, she doesn't. ウ. Yes, she did. エ. No, she didn't. ウ. Yes, she did.
ア. To answer the questions about flowers was. イ. To give water to the flowers was. ウ. To clean the flower shop was. エ. To tell people about the flower shop was. ア. To answer the questions about flowers was.
ア. She tries to choose flowers. イ. She tries to tell John to buy flowers. ウ. She tries to work at the flower shop. エ. She tries to say, "Thank you." エ. She tries to say, "Thank you."
John: Hi, Yumi. I heard you worked at a flower shop last week. May I ask you some questions?
Yumi: Sure.
John: How was working at the flower shop?
Yumi: I really enjoyed it.
John: That's great. What did you do?
Yumi: I gave water to the flowers, cleaned the shop and helped the people working there.
John: That sounds interesting. So, was your work easy?
Yumi: Well, not really. People asked me questions about flowers, and it was not easy for me to answer them. So, I had to learn a lot of things about flowers. But it was fun.
John: I see. Tell me more.
Yumi: OK. When people came, I helped them with choosing flowers. When they left the shop, they smiled and said, "Thank you," to me. I felt happy. I learned the importance of saying, "Thank you." Now I always try to say it to the people around me.
John: Oh, I see. I think you had a very good experience. Well, that's all. Thank you very much, Yumi.
Question1:Did Yumi have a good time at the flower shop?
Question2:What was difficult for Yumi?
Question3:What does she always try to do now?