英語 リスニング問題 対話文1

ケンとリサの電話での対話を聞いて、質問に答える問題です。 質問は、Question1〜3まで三つあります。はじめに対話文を2回読んで、次に質問を2回読みます。 質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、選択肢からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。



ア. Yes, she was. イ. No, she wasn't. ウ. Yes, she did. エ. No, she didn't. エ. No, she didn't.


ア. Because it’s already twelve thirty. イ. Because the curry is delicious. ウ. Because Lisa had curry yesterday. エ. Because Ken went to the restaurant. イ. Because the curry is delicious.


ア. At a Chinese restaurant. イ. At a curry restaurant. ウ. At the station. エ. At the park. ア. At a Chinese restaurant.

Ken : Hello. This is Ken.
Lisa : Hi, Ken.
Ken : Have you had lunch yet?
Lisa : No, not yet.
Ken : It's already twelve thirty in the afternoon. Shall we have lunch together?
Lisa : That's a good idea. Do you know a good restaurant?
Ken : How about the curry restaurant near the station? It's very popular because the curry is delicious.
Lisa : I had curry with my family for dinner yesterday. Is there another place you want to go to?
Ken : OK. What is your favorite food?
Lisa : I like Chinese food the best.
Ken : There is a Chinese restaurant near the park.
Lisa : I know that restaurant, too. Let's meet there at one in the afternoon.
Ken : OK.
Question1:Did Lisa have curry with her family for lunch?
Question2:Why is the curry restaurant popular?
Question3:Where will Ken and Lisa meet at one in the afternoon?
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