英語 リスニング問題 答選択4


ア. She will call Mr. Brown again. イ. She will leave a message. ウ. She will go out. エ. She will get a message from Mr. Brown. ア. She will call Mr. Brown again.

Lisa : Hello, this is Lisa. May I speak to Mr. Brown?
Mrs. Brown : I'm sorry, but he is out right now. Would you like to leave a message?
Lisa : No, it's OK. I'll call him back later. Thank you.
Mrs. Brown : You're welcome.
Question : What will Lisa do?

ア. She wants new shoes. イ. She wants a T-shirt and a cap. ウ. She wants new shoes and a cap. エ. She wants a T-shirt and new shoes. イ. She wants a T-shirt and a cap.

Mother : I will go shopping. Do you want to come with me, Megumi?
Megumi : Yes. I need a T-shirt and a cap because the sports festival will be held next week.
Mother : OK. Do you want to buy new shoes too?
Megumi : No. I don't need new shoes.
Question : What does Megumi want to buy?

ア. To finish his homework. イ. To make their lunch with his mother. ウ. To read a book in his room. エ. To tell Grandma to come here. エ. To tell Grandma to come here.

Mother : Mike, did you finish your homework?
Mike : Yes, I did, Mom. Are you making our lunch? Do you want me to help you?
Mother : No, thank you. It's ready. Please tell Grandma to come here.
Mike : OK, Mom.
Question : What does Mike's mother want him to do?

ア. At 9 p.m. イ. At 10 p.m. ウ. At 11 p.m. エ. At 2 a.m. ウ. At 11 p.m.

Ken : Yuki, you look tired today.
Yuki : Last night I went to bed after I watched a movie from 9 p.m. for 2 hours.
Ken : What time do you usually go to bed?
Yuki : At 10 p.m.
Question : What time did Yuki finish watching the movie last night?
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